Crypto UX Boost: 60% Signup Jump in Just 6 Weeks

BayRock Labs tackles challenges and turns them into wins. We partnered with a leading crypto app, known for letting users connect bank accounts, round up transactions, and invest spare change in cryptocurrency. Despite its popularity, the app faced usability issues that hindered user experience and business growth.

Crypto UX Boost: 60% Signup Jump in Just 6 Weeks
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Value We Added


Surge in Signups

We revamped the UI and improved the backend that led to a remarkable 60% increase in user signups in 6 months.


Drop in Abandonment

We addressed root causes, achieving a staggering 90% reduction in abandonment rate for new signups.

Global Delivery Success in

6 Weeks

Our global delivery model ensured seamless collaboration, round-the-clock support, and a successful project outcome in just 6 weeks.


Usability Issues

Challenges in UI led to significant hurdles for the users, causing a high abandonment rate during sign-up.

Fragile Backend Processes

Backend instability led to frequent failures, contributing to an overall poor user experience.

Redesign for User Experience

The customer required an application redesign to address usability and backend issues, and improve experience.
Crypto UX Boost: 60% Signup Jump in Just 6 Weeks
Interested in reading the entire case study, Download the complete case study now.
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We leveraged our global delivery model and a stack of technologies, including Go, Java, NodeJS, and API gateways to tackle the multifaceted challenge in the following steps:
Usability Testing
  • Conducted comprehensive usability testing on the existing app.
  • Identified user pain points for targeted improvements.
UI Redesign
  • Leveraged insights from usability testing.
  • Embarked on a mission to overhaul the app's user interface.
  • Objective: Make the UI more intuitive and user-friendly.
Backend Enhancement
  • Ran parallel to UI redesign
  • Reengineered the backend platform for: some text
    • Enhanced scalability
    • Improved fault tolerance
  • Ensured a seamless user experience and robust performance


Swift Redesign

Completed redesign of the app in just 6 weeks.

Seamless Implementation

Implemented a new app and backend in 6 months.

Improved User Experience

Improved system reliability, stability, and scalability.


Our comprehensive efforts in UX redesign, backend improvement, technology deployment, and global collaboration resulted in an impressive 60% increase in user signups and a remarkable 90% reduction in abandonment rates, highlighting our commitment to agile, user-centric design, and global project success.