
App Deployment & Ops Scaling in a Covid World

Facing Covid's revenue drop, a client needed to rapidly deploy new apps. BayRock provided expert engineers to scale operations and meet their ambitious quarterly release goals.

App Deployment & Ops Scaling in a Covid World
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Value We Added

Saved 70% on Costs

Efficient resource allocation through our global delivery model.

Seamless Collaboration

24/7 support & diverse talent pool across Latin America & India.

Fast Team Deployment

Kept development sprints on track with rapid team assembly.


Covid Revenue Drop

Pandemic impact caused a significant decline in ridership and revenue.

New App Strategy

Client needed to deploy new apps and services quarterly to adapt.

Engineering Expertise

Scaling operations required skilled mobile app development engineers.
App Deployment & Ops Scaling in a Covid World
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Expert Team
  • Assembled engineers & designers (Delivery Manager, Scrum Master, Architect, Designer) to collaborate with client's Product Owners and define app backlogs.
Rapid Deployment in 2 weeks
  • Strategically placed mobile & web engineers in Latin America and India to kick-off development sprints quickly.
Team Growth
  • Expanded team expertise across design and core functionalities to ensure adaptation to evolving project needs and technologies.


Fast App Rollout

Delivered first app in 2 months, setting the pace for quarterly releases.

Consistent Delivery

Partnered for continuous app delivery, keeping the client on the innovation forefront.

Cost Efficiency

Global delivery model saved the client 70% while scaling operations strategically.


In a fast-paced Covid response, we helped our client deploy new apps quarterly. Our global team (Latin America & India) saved them 70% while delivering high-quality mobile apps (web, iOS, Android) and keeping development on track. This partnership empowered them to adapt and innovate in a challenging market.